Basic Security Training (BST)

40 hours

Online Course

$295 +GST including JIBC BST exam 


Course Overview:

Prerequisite: 19yrs +, English Fluency 
Duration: Average 40 hours / 5 Days
Instructor: Certified BST Instructor (Accredited by Justice Institute of British Columbia)
Completion: 100% attendance, 60% min. passing grade at written exam
Certification: Accredited Completion (Certification) in Basic Security Training
Re-certification:Not required 
Course content:

The BST Course consists of five (5) specific modules instructed in a classroom environment over a period of forty (40) hours. At the completion of the BST Course, participants will have a working knowledge of the Security Industry and will be able to do the following:

  • Describe the specific roles and responsibilities of a Security Professional.
  • Explain Federal and Provincial Legislation and Regulations in relation to the work of a Security Professional
  • List and describe the knowledge and skill sets required to perform Basic Security Patrol duties.
  • Understand and apply a professional and effective style of communication in order to manage and control incidents.
  • Demonstrate exceptional proficiencies and accuracy in note-taking and Security Report Writing.
  • Understand and articulate the process of managing an Emergency Incident / Emergency Response.
  • Maintain personal and professional safety and well being while working as a Security Professional.

The outcome for this program is intended to instill course participants with knowledge and skill sets in the following areas:

  • Introduction to the Course
  • Professionalism & Ethics
  • Legal Studies
  • Report Writing
  • Personal Safety


Take-Home Materials:
Basic Security Training Manual
BST Course Outline





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